Our greatest helpers are our donors.
The work of the Foundation is supported by donations from people in all walks of life. Help us make a difference to children and young people in Timor Leste.
Here are the ways you can donate.
1. One-off online donation, Click Here.
2. Order Timor Coffee. Click Here.
3. Regular, recurring donation. Click Here.
4. Donation via Australia post. Download one of the donation slips below.
If you can't donate, you can help us in other ways.
We welcome offers of support such as:​​​
Telling others about TCF, share our website.
Signing up to the TCF newsletter.
Writing letters of encouragement to students.
Hosting visitors from Timor Leste.
Holding a fundraising event.
Participating in teams that visit Timor Leste, working parties and fundraising teams.
Requesting a committee member speak at your group or meeting.
Would you like more information or have ideas of how to help in other ways? Contact us!
Post: PO Box 405 The Gap QLD 4061
Phone: Julia on 0432 500 358