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2006 – Direct support – Mosquito Netting Project
Malaria is a major cause of death in East Timorese children under 5 years. Children who survive can be affected by ongoing fevers and anaemia, which can effect their mental and physical development.

The Project delivered up to 1,200 nets to approximately 30 institutions over the course of six months. The goal was to improve the quality of life for children by reducing the risk of contracting malaria and increasing education and awareness about the importance of using the nets. The nets also help with other mosquito borne diseases and the health and hygiene training should also improve general community health.


2008 – School Building Project
With assistance from a donation from the Arthur Earle Youth Foundation, and via a working partnership with the The Oaktree Foundation (Australian based) and Strømme Foundation (East Timor based), we were able to rebuild a number of schools in the Liquicia district that were destroyed in the violence of 2006. This included construction or expansion of community schools (especially in remoter and impoverished areas), teacher training, and scholarships for children from very poor families.


2008 – Libraries for Orphanages
In East Timor literacy levels are quite low, i.e. 58.6% of the population over 15 years can read and write (Australia has a 999% rate). Books are expensive and as financial resources are scarce money is not spent on purchasing them. The Mary Mackillop Institute in Dili publish children’s books in Tetun, a local East Timorese language. The Timor Children’s Foundation was able to purchase a range of children’s story books and educational resources for over 40 children’s homes. The Timor Children’s Foundation employed a local agency, HealthNet, to distribute and install the libraries while they were running Nutrition Education Programs for the villages.





2008 – Nutrition Education Programs

The impact that malnutrition has on the physical, mental and educational development of a child cannot be understated. High malnutrition rates across East Timor result in almost half the children under 5 being affected by moderate to severe stunting. The need for nutrition interventions in orphanages was identified during the Mosquito Net Project conducted by TCF and HealthNet (Dec ‘06 – June ‘07) which highlighted the low level of knowledge of health and nutrition related issues. (Source: and HealthNet Timor Leste report June 2007) The aim was to improve the health and nutrition practices of children and their care givers in institutional care in East Timor. This was achieved by HealthNet and the Ministry of Health designing a 2-day nutrition education program which was completed by over 40 children’s homes in East Timor.

“Timor Children’s Foundation complies with the World Relief Australia Code of Conduct which is a voluntary code that sets minimum acceptable standards for smaller Non-Government Organisations that work in the international relief and development sector.” 


2015 - Ongoing Direct Support Glebe Rd Uniting Church Team Timor Dental

Since 2015 The Timor Children's Foundation has partnered with Glebe Rd Uniting Church and their Team Timor Project. Particular emphasis has been placed in supporting their Dental work caring for the community and children associated with the Marcelo 2 School in Dili.





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Rev John Ruhle. T: +61  406 123498 E:

Dr Malcolm Campbell T: +61 412 042729 E:

PO Box 405




Timor Children’s Foundation  ACN 14 102 265 994

Timor Children’s Foundation Overseas Aid Fund ABN 98 644 787 314

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