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When Bob Mitchell went to East Timor in 2002, he met a woman, named Philomena, who had opened her heart and home to disadvantaged East Timorese children. However, she was struggling to make ends meet caring for her own family and the children she had taken in. When Bob returned to Australia he established the Timor Children’s Foundation to formally raise money to assist Philomena and the children in her care – since called Samaria (St Mary’s) Children’s Home.


Samaria Children’s Home is a small private home, which cares for up to 30 children, of varying ages and backgrounds. The children in the home are either orphans, or their parents are unable to care for them. The Foundation supports Samaria by providing the funds needed to feed, clothe, educate and care for the children.


In 2006, the home they lived in was burned down during a spate of violence throughout Dili. Between 2006 and 2010 the children lived in temporary accommodation in Bacau, a small village 3 hours drive from Dili.

The rebuilding of the original residence was completed in 2010, and they have re-established there.


Samaria Children’s Home is supported entirely by the Timor Children’s Foundation. It is a non tax-deductible project.


It costs the Timor Children's Foundation over $2/day to give each child a home to live in together with their other "brothers and sisters". 

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